Long John Silver's locations near you - locator, map
Long John Silver's locations in the USA (37), shopping and business information and locator Long John Silver's near me. Check the list below with Long John Silver's store locations in America. To easily find Long John Silver's just use sorting by states and look at the map to display all stores. You will learn following business information about Long John Silver's: location at the mall, other nearby locations by states, opening hours, map and gps coordinates, directions, phones and contacts.
You can also follow customer reviews for Long John Silver's and ratings for each store.
Number of Long John Silver's locations in the USA: 37
The biggest shopping mall with Long John Silver's: Ohio Valley Mall
Do you like Long John Silver's brand name in America? Share your opinions and experiences with others! How do you rate Long John Silver's? Tell others!
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Search Long John Silver's by states:
- Alabama
- Arizona
- California
- Florida
- Georgia
- Illinois
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- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
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- Virginia
- West Virginia
Popular Long John Silver's locations in the USA - by shopping mall
- Parkdale Shopping Center
- Danville Manor
- Trademart Shopping Center
- The Grove - Downers Grove
- Lakeside Marketplace
- Fairview Park Plaza
- Arnold Commons
- Capital City Shopping Center
- Dunes Plaza
- North Bay Shopping Center
- Nordahl Marketplace
- Shops On The Circle
Search popular stores in the USA by letter:
Tell others about your opinion about Long John Silver's. Write a review and rate it!
Read 5 reviews
Jeff Hentges - Nov 11, 2022
Rating: 4I miss the Long John Silvers in Jefferson City Mo. Great food loved the fish and the hush puppies and all of the sides.
MOE - Sep 21, 2021
Gina gonzales - Jun 30, 2021
Rating: 5Will Tucson az open a long John silvers again I miss eating the food it was sooo good!
Laura peters - Apr 11, 2021
Rating: 4The best food I love the fish and hush puppies... the slaw great too...
Lori - Mar 23, 2021
Rating: 4There is a long John's in New mexico, Las cruces